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13 Best Home Remedies for Premature Ejaculation

Topical products for premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation wipes

Premature ejaculation wipes work by reducing sensation in the tip of the penis. These wipes contain benzocaine, a topical anesthetic that blocks the sodium channels that cause sensation in the penis.

A small 2017 study found that participants who used these wipes for at least 2 months experienced less distress related to intercourse. The majority of participants also ejaculated well after the 2-minute time period that’s typical of premature ejaculation.

The study participants also reported the wipes were well tolerated (i.e., no heavy side effects). But make sure to talk with your doctor before trying these benzocaine wipes, as topical anesthetic can cause more serious side effects in certain individuals.
Topical creams

Like premature ejaculation wipes, many over-the-counter topical anesthetic creams contain a numbing agent that can treat premature ejaculation by reducing sensation and delaying climax. Apply the cream to your penis 10 to 15 minutes before sex for it to be most effective.

A 2017 review found that topical creams helped increase the time it took to ejaculate by a few minutes. Although generally well-tolerated, anesthetic creams can cause:mild pain
mild burning sensation
decreased libido
a temporary loss of sensitivity

Talk with your doctor about the right topical cream for such a sensitive area.
Lidocaine spray

Like topical creams, lidocaine spray can help treat premature ejaculation by desensitizing the penis and decreasing hypersensitivity.

Individuals should use the spray approximately 15 minutes before sexTrusted Source in order for it to work best. Known potential side effects include temporary sensitivity loss and some difficulty maintaining an erection for the 15 minutes before intercourse.
‘Climax control’ condoms

In general, condoms can decrease sensitivity and keep you from ejaculating early. But there are also climax control condoms available over the counter that are either made of a thicker latex material or contain a numbing agent meant to delay climax.

Supplements for premature ejaculation
Zinc supplements

Zinc not only supports healthy immunity and cell growth, but the essential mineral may also help produce testosterone, which in some cases may help with premature ejaculation.

Zinc is one of the more natural treatments for men living with lowered testosterone. Even though it’s not always sufficient in every case, 220 mg of zinc sulfate, twice a day, over 1 to 4 months, is often recommended.

It’s important to note that more is not always better, especially with supplements. Taking too much zinc may cause:nausea
kidney and stomach damage
a metallic taste in your mouth
Ayurvedic herbal medicine

Ayurveda is India’s traditional healing system. It relies on thousands of herbs to treat everything from diabetes to inflammation.

Certain Ayurvedic medicines, like kaunch beej, kamini vidrawan ras, and yauvanamrit vati, are thought to treat premature ejaculation when taken in capsule form twice daily with lukewarm water. Ayurvedic medicine has also been used in an effort to treat erectile dysfunction.

A 2017 study found that men who used Ayurvedic medicine saw a slight increase in the time it took to ejaculate during sex. Known potential side effects include:stomach pain
mild pain
decreased libido

Talk with a healthcare professional before adding any extra herbs or supplements to your diet. They may affect other medications you’re taking and may not be advisable for everyone.
Chinese herbal medicine

A weekly or daily dose of Chinese herbal medicine — in particular, Yimusake tablets or Qilin pills — may treat premature ejaculation by boosting sexual stamina and improving energy.

That 2017 study also found that different types of Chinese herbal medicine can increase ejaculation time by about 2 minutes. Known potential side effects include:stomach pain
mild pain

Again, make sure to talk with a healthcare professional before adding any extra herbs or supplements to your diet.

Home remedies for premature ejaculation
Dietary changes

In addition to zinc, magnesium also plays a role in your sexual health and may play a roleTrusted Source in premature ejaculation, according to research.

Incorporating foods into your diet rich in zinc and magnesium may help increase the time it takes you to climax. Those foods include:oysters
pumpkin seeds
wheat germ cereal
kidney beans
sesame seeds
beef and lamb
dark chocolate
Pause-squeeze technique

The pause-squeeze technique may help ease premature ejaculation by letting arousal dwindle before climax. When you feel you’re ready to ejaculate, stop and have you or your partner squeeze the end of your penis where the head joins the shaft.

Have them hold the squeeze for several seconds until you no longer want to climax. Be sure to communicate with your partner during this process because they won’t know the correct timing otherwise.

Repeat this process as much as necessary. Eventually, you may be able to delay ejaculation without help.
Stop-start technique

The stop-start technique, also known as orgasm control or “edging,” can help delay climax by drawing out pleasure.

When you feel the urge to ejaculate, stop having sexual activity completely. Once you feel less aroused, slowly start to have sexual activity again. Repeat this process as much as necessary to help you control ejaculation.
Pelvic floor exercises

Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can have a big impact on how long it takes you to climax.

An older 2014 studyTrusted Source found that pelvic floor exercises can help men dealing with lifelong premature ejaculation control their ejaculatory reflex, increasing the time it takes for them to climax. To perform pelvic floor exercises:Find the right muscles by stopping mid-stream while peeing or tightening the muscles that stop you from passing gas.
While laying down, contract your pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds, and then relax for 3 seconds. Do this at least 10 times in a row. Repeat at least 3 times a day.
Gradually increase the number of seconds as your muscles become stronger. Try new positions, like standing, walking, or sitting down.
Don’t forget to breathe, and remember to focus only on your pelvic floor muscles. Don’t tighten your abs, thighs, or buttocks.

Masturbating an hour or two before you have sexual activity may help delay ejaculation during penetration. This sexual release should reduce your need to climax quickly.
Avoid intercourse for a period of time

This may seem counterintuitive, but focusing on other types of sexual activity instead of intercourse may help take the pressure off your sexual encounters.

Penetration isn’t the only way to reach sexual satisfaction, so think about other ways you and your partner can feel pleasure that won’t cause either of you distress or frustration.

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Frequently asked questions
What causes premature ejaculation?

It’s not quite known what causes premature ejaculation exactly, but the general consensus is that it’s a psychological conditionTrusted Source.

Depression, anxiety, guilt, relationship issues, lack of confidence, and a history of sexual trauma can all play into the development of premature ejaculation.

But certain medical issues can also cause this condition, including:lowered serotonin levels
abnormal hormone levels
inflammation or infection in the urethra or prostate
Can you fix premature ejaculation naturally?

While occasional premature ejaculation is not a cause for alarm, you should talk with your doctor if it’s persistent. Certain home remedies like the ones listed above may provide relief in the moment. But if there’s an underlying condition causing your premature ejaculation — like a hormone imbalance — only a doctor will be able to diagnose it.

Find Roman ED medication online.

The takeaway

Premature ejaculation is a completely normal and common type of sexual concern that affects 30 to 75% of menTrusted Source in the United States.

While some of these home remedies may be effective for some people, if premature ejaculation persists and is affecting your life, you should talk with your doctor to rule out any underlying causes and explore other treatment options.

Last medically reviewed on January 11, 2023

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Ayurvedic Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction

Characteristics of ED
Ayurvedic medicine defined
How it can help
Ayurvedic treatments
Possible complications

Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient medical system that is still widely used in India. Ayurvedic treatments typically use plant-based materials such as herbs, along with lifestyle changes, to treat physical and mental health issues.

Some people utilize ayurvedic treatments in an attempt to “cure” or manage erectile dysfunction (ED). ED is the inability to get or keep a firm erection. Significant research is lacking on the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments to treat this condition. Even so, anecdotal evidence and studies done primarily on rats point to positive effects.

We’ll go into detail about the practice of Ayurveda and erectile dysfunction in this article.

Characteristics of ED

People with erectile dysfunction can’t get or maintain an erection firm enough to use during penetrative sex. ED is usually caused by problems with the blood supply to the penis. This condition becomes more common as people with penises age.

ED can happen occasionally, because of stress or other issues. Long-term or consistent ED may signal an underlying health problem, such as:insomnia
type 2 diabetes
alcohol misuse
prostate problems

It may also indicate emotional or psychological issues. ED can be highly distressing for people who have it. It can also negatively impact you’re your relationships. Often, addressing the underlying cause will be effective at eliminating ED.


What is Ayurvedic medicine?

Ayurveda is a natural system of medicine. It originated in India over 3,000 years ago, where it is still practiced and administered by trained professionals.

Ayurvedic medicine is based on the concept of addressing imbalances in the body caused by stress and other factors. It has been shownTrusted Source to have some benefits for managing type 2 diabetes symptoms. People with ED who also have diabetes may see an improvement in both conditions from some Ayurvedic treatments.

Ayurvedic medicine utilizes many strategies that are known to be effective for reducing stress, such as:yoga
massage therapy

It also utilizes herbs and dietary supplements which are not regulated in the U.S for medicinal use.

How it can help

Some of the herbs utilized in Ayurvedic medicine have been shown in animal studies to mitigate the effects of type 2 diabetes. If this condition is a cause of your ED, you may see some benefits from Ayurveda.

Herbs have also been shown in animal studies to increase “sexual vigor” and libido. They may have a similar effect on humans, although the research is lacking.

Lifestyle modifications that include stress busters such as yoga plus increased physical activity, can have highly beneficial results. Exercise, meditation, and yoga can benefit some underlying causes of ED. They can also support enhanced blood flow throughout the body, including to the penis. Stress reduction and mood elevation is a large, added plus.

How to take/implement Ayurvedic medicine

Ayurvedic treatments vary. You can work with a seasoned practitioner or try to utilize some common treatments at home. Ayurvedic preparations to try include:
Withania somnifera (Indian ginseng)

Withania somnifera is an herb commonly used in ayurvedic medicine. It’s also called Indian ginseng and ashwagandha. It has been foundTrusted Source to improve sperm count and semen volume. While this doesn’t specifically address ED, it may be beneficial for some people.

Indian ginseng works by regulating hormone levelsTrusted Source and eliminating free radicals. Indian ginseng has been shownTrusted Source to increase testosterone levels in older men who have overweight. Due to its regulatory function, it may have some benefit for people with low testosterone.

The herb is also used to improve mental clarity and help reduce stress. Both factors can have an impact on ED symptoms.

You can purchase this herb from most drug stores and health food stores. It’s available as a powdered root extract and in capsule form. In order for it to be most effective, it’s recommended that the daily dosage be tailored to each individual.
Asparagus racemosus

Asparagus racemosus is a particular species of herb that grows in regions of India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. In Ayurveda, it’s known as shatavari, or “curer of one hundred diseases.” The Asparagus racemosus root is used in many preparations of ayurvedic vajikarana mixtures: It’s meant to improve sexual function and health.

An on hyperglycemic male rats showed benefits for reducing sexual dysfunction. Some studiesTrusted Source have shown its effectiveness on the male reproductive system in its capability to improve circulation and calm nerves. Both of these benefits should aid men with ED. In the ayurvedic tradition, it’s also believed to be an aphrodisiac that promotes love and loyalty in those who use it.

Asparagus racemosus extract is available as a tincture and as a powder, but there has been little to no research on what the optimal daily dosage for a person would be.
Safed musli

Safed musli, or Chlorophytum borivilianum, is also a vajikarana herb. It was shown to boost libido in an animal study on ratsTrusted Source. Another animal study on ratsTrusted Source indicated that it boosted sperm count and sexual activity. It can be purchased in capsule or pure powder form.

To really embrace the ayurvedic method of treatment for any health condition, physical activity should be part of your treatment. The practice of yoga is being researched more and more for its health benefits. Yoga combines stretching, concentration, and meditation, improving circulation and reducing stress levels.

The stress-level benefit alone might be enough to improve symptoms of ED, but yoga has also been shown to promoteTrusted Source healthy levels of testosterone. Provided you’re healthy enough to engage in light aerobic exercise, you can begin a yoga practice at any time by attending a class led by a yogi or even following an exercise DVD or app at home.

Risks of ayurvedic medicine and how to reduce them

There are multiple risks to using ayurvedic herbal preparations. These risks can be mitigated by working with a seasoned Ayurvedic practitioner, coupled with a licensed medical healthcare professional.

It’s important to know what you’re taking, what it contains, and how it will interact with other medications you’re on. Only use herbs and supplements purchased from a reputable, transparent manufacturer who readily supplies comprehensive information about their ingredients and testing facilities.

Also, make sure to let your doctor know of any at-home preparations you’re planning to use before you start.

Potential risks include:ingestion of toxic substances, such as arsenic, lead, or mercury
overdosage of an herb or supplement
negative interaction between a supplement and a prescribed medication

Not much is known about the proper dosages of Ayurvedic herbs and their possible interactions with other herbal and synthetic drugs. Self-treating your ED with a combination of these herbs might be appealing, but without consulting your doctor first, the results are unpredictable.

How common is erectile dysfunction?

Very common. ED is the most discussed sexual problem that men bring to their doctors. This condition affects around 30 million American men. It becomes more common in older men, but aging does not always cause ED.
What are the risk factors for ED?

If you have an underlying health condition such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes, you may be at increased risk. Other risk factors include obesity, alcohol abuse, and smoking cigarettes. A sedentary lifestyle also puts you at greater risk.
Does Viagra cure ED?

Viagra (sildenafil) and other medications for ED don’t cure erectile dysfunction, but they do address the symptoms. These drugs work by relaxing the muscles of blood vessels in the penis, which increases blood flow. Other ED medications include Levitra (vardenafil), Cialis (tadalafil), and Stendra (avanafil).


Using a whole-body, holistic approach to ED has clear benefits. Ayurvedic herbs may be part of this equation, but should always be cleared by a healthcare professional before use.

Using yoga as a way to improve your mental strength and get rid of stress can supplement medical treatment to treat ED in a comprehensive way.

Ayurvedic methods for ED treatment aren’t as well-researched as many others in Western medicine. They also have some risks. It’s important to communicate with your doctor about your chosen method of ED treatment so your sexual, mental, and physical health can continue to improve.

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