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Patient allegedly abandoned in a bush by the Winneba Government Hospital dies

In a report by Accra based UTV, the deceased, an elderly woman, was part of patients that were taken to the Winneba Government Hospital from a vehicle accident on the Gomoa Ojobi road.

The reporter said the patient was in a critical condition and with no claim for her by family members.

According to Dr. George Prah, the Medical Superintendent at the Winneba Government Hospital, the patient was brought to the hospital about two months ago. However, no one came to the clinic as a relative to cater for her and she suffered some injuries to her head.

Dr. Prah said the patient’s injury to the head made her scream at night. This led to the Hospital’s authorities to eject her and go abandon her in a bush on the Gomoa Ojobi road.

The circumstances leading to her death are currently unclear and have sparked outrage among the local community and Ghanaians online.


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