A Filling station attendant has been rewarded handsomely by a grateful customer whom he had shown kindness to.
Doing good and lending a helping hand to another in trying times can go a long way in how you’re remembered in the hearts of people.
Sometimes your reward may simply be in heaven, sometimes it may come several years after just like this Filling station attendant.
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Nkosikho Mbele, source : YouTube.
Ron Project reports that a lady named Monet van Deventer, had stopped at the filing station in South Africa to fill her car.
Nkosikho Mbele who happened to be the attendant on duty had first began wiping the lady’s car screen before rendering the service she requested.
It was when Mbele wanted to fill her car that Monet discovered she had forgotten her card at home.
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The 28-year-old filling station attendant then stepped in with a solution.
He offered to pay for her fuel with his card with the promise that Monet would return it when next she stopped by. He then went on to fill her car after paying R100 (GHS 40 ) with his card.
Times Live reports that the lady was touched by the kindness from a total stranger and set up fundraising for the man. The fundraising received $94,000 (GHS 566,843.22 ) which equates to the man’s salary for the next 8 years.
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