One of two persons who have been on the ran after testing positive for Covid-19 has been found with the assistance of the Chief Executive Officer of Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA).
According to Head of Joy News’ Health Desk, Fred Smith, who was with the team, although the head porter (Kayayo) has been found, the other person is still on the run.
She shared a single room with 15 others including three children.
“That has been a challenge for the contact tracers and the security team on the ground,” Fred Smith added.
The two are said to have fled from their neighbourhood after they were informed of their test results on Monday, April 6, 2020.
Elders of Old Fadama had said that they were not informed about the situation else they would have supported in whatever way they could.
They further expressed worry over the possible transmission of the virus to residents of the suburb.
With no evidence of travel history, it is unclear how these carriers got infected, pointing to a possible case of community transmission.
Contact tracers together with the police tried to convince suspected secondary contacts in the area, to volunteer for a test for the novel coronavirus.